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Blogging Again From My Mountain Cottage, Shadymont

After a much needed rest, I'm back with a new blog name and a few slight changes, like the template, and the content will vary and not always be home decor, though that is my niche, and I will continue to have it frequently.  But I want to use my blog to also give those who may read it a little encouragement into the Goodness of God.

Some of the fog from my depression is lifting now and I'm starting to feel better.  I've had a really hard time, personally, for the last seven months, and the divorce still isn't final.  I think it is nearing being final now though, and I hope I will continue to get clarity from this fog.

I have a story to tell regarding other matters, but I still am not able to talk  about it quite yet.  But when I say I've been through the fire, or maybe the pits of hell, just believe me.  I now understand the meaning of Never say "Never"!  Things can happen to us when we are vulernable that we think would never happen.  We think we are too strong, too wise, too smart!  I always thought that, but it's not true.  People who look at you and tell you how strong you are, don't realize the turmoil going on within you and the battles you are fighting daily.  Maybe, maybe someday I'll be able to share but the wounds are too fresh right now, but I see a tiny ray of sunlight coming through and I am thankful that God protects us when we can't protect ourselves.  Thankful He knows what is best for us and has plans for us to prosper and have a future.  So I'm standing on that promise with all my might and I know He will never leave us, never forsake us and that my strength, however weak it may feel comes from Him.  As always prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated.  I can truthfully say my soul has been stripped, my trust has been shaken, but I've learned humility and how lucky I am that I didn't get what I thought I wanted!!

Now, on a brighter note, my daughter, granddaughter and I went to Queen of Hearts last week and did a little shopping.  I kept to my $20.00 budget, because, you just can not go in there without spending something.  The consignors there still have booths.  I prefer that because you get great ideas seeing how others use items to decorate their booths
So these are my two items, that I really do like, and I will enjoy them for a long time.

 This, I loved for the texture and the color.  I'm using it in the family room.
 I think it is gorgeous, and there are so many places it will look good.

 Like on this table beside the lamp, it just belongs there.....or maybe on the mantle, or coffee table or a bookcase...

My next item was so unique, and there was a whole basket of various types of chairbacks all done up.  I saw this harp backed one and grabbed it.  I know it would work in my cottage, and it does!

Right on the mantle so I can look up and see it.  The loveseat that I'm glued to most of the time faces the mantle and I can enjoy it everytime I look up!!

The photos on the mantle are my grandchildren.  Blake and Christian at their wedding last year, only 12 more days til an anniversary!!  Then, that's my sweet Rheagan in the pink!  Love my grandchildren so, so much!  They along with my daughter are the lights of my life.  Rheagan and I had a garage sale last Saturday and had so much fun.  She is a sales girl if there ever was one.  She spoke to everyone as they came in and would bring items to their attention; she would negotiate prices with them and she made herself $63.00.  She was the most fun.  No garage sales ever again without my top salesperson.  It was fun, but I overslept church time and slept off and on til 3 PM on Sunday.  She slept until 1 PM.  Making memories with my girl!!

On a final note:  The Goodness of God I watched a 20/20 documentary on YouTube about the addiction of one of the reporters on ABC, and she said that God answer's prayers in three ways, "Yes", "Not now", or  "I have something better for you"!  These words have just stuck in my mind since she said them.  How true they are, if we can only listen and know that He has our best interests and He always knows what we need.  We need to learn that what we want isn't always best, but listen to a still small voice, saying, "I have something better for you"!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and remember to "Be still and Know"!

I don't have all the bugs worked out in the new format, so I can't link to the parties until I get that taken care of.  :)


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