EASTER IS HERE!! I've placed a few items throughout the house to honor our Lord for the supreme sacrifice. Without Him and the crucifixion, we would have no hope for the hereafter. At least that is what I believe. I believe Jesus is the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, crucified, buried, and that He is risen and sits beside the Father in Heaven. That is where my strength comes from. God gave His ONLY son for us, and He lives today and is our intercessor to the Father.
To signify the importance of the season, I have some very special pieces to share with you today.
First, the last supper,
This picture hung in our dining room when I was a very little girl. I'm sure my Mother cut it from a calendar, at least that's the way it looks. The frame is in horrible condition, so I put a row of Washi tape around the old part, then attached the entire piece to the back of this empty frame I had. I like it this way. The picture is so old, I'm afraid to try to remove it from the frame. I believe it would be so brittle that it would fall to pieces. I know this is over 50 years old, and depicts Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane where He prayed for the cup (crucifixion) to be passed from Him. But it was appointed unto Him to die.
And of course, the Cross,
The most important reason for Easter celebration is the religious story, but we decorators love to add in some symbols of spring, and I've done that as well.
We always add in a few bunnies.
Here, the placement of the lamb reminds me of the sacrificial Lamb, the Son of God, crucified for our sins that we may have eternal life.
The cross is the ultimate symbol of our Christian faith.

Colorful bunnies are always welcome in Easter or Spring decor.
I'm wishing all my friends a blessed Easter, our symbol of new life, starting over, forgiven, the ultimate sacrifice, given for you and me! Unworthy, but so blessed!!
Happy Easter, all!!
To signify the importance of the season, I have some very special pieces to share with you today.
First, the last supper,
Belonged to my Mother in Law,
This picture hung in our dining room when I was a very little girl. I'm sure my Mother cut it from a calendar, at least that's the way it looks. The frame is in horrible condition, so I put a row of Washi tape around the old part, then attached the entire piece to the back of this empty frame I had. I like it this way. The picture is so old, I'm afraid to try to remove it from the frame. I believe it would be so brittle that it would fall to pieces. I know this is over 50 years old, and depicts Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane where He prayed for the cup (crucifixion) to be passed from Him. But it was appointed unto Him to die.
And of course, the Cross,
We always add in a few bunnies.
I met these 2 cuties at the Good Will.
Here, the placement of the lamb reminds me of the sacrificial Lamb, the Son of God, crucified for our sins that we may have eternal life.
The cross is the ultimate symbol of our Christian faith.

Colorful bunnies are always welcome in Easter or Spring decor.
I'm wishing all my friends a blessed Easter, our symbol of new life, starting over, forgiven, the ultimate sacrifice, given for you and me! Unworthy, but so blessed!!
Happy Easter, all!!
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