I've had a wire wreath frame hanging in the basement craft area for quite some time. I had bought one roll of white burlap ribbon 2 1/2" wide a while back on clearance in the fabric section at Wal Mart. I decided I would use the two items to make a burlap wreath. I've made several burlap wreaths using wider burlap, but I liked the look of the more narrow ribbon, and the ribbon being wired gives the wreath a much more "finished" appearance. Of course, I had to purchase more ribbon as one roll only covered about 1/3 of the frame. It took over 3 rolls to complete the wreath, so I'll be using this one alot. Generally, I have far less money in the wreaths I make.
I used these items to make this wreath:
Begin anywhere on the frame that you wish. Wrap the end of the ribbon on the innermost wire. I placed mine near one of the cross wires, and wrapped it around two or three times. Then flip your wire frame over, twist the ribbon, and pull it through the next opening between wires, keeping the loop the size you want. I kept mine small. Repeat by flipping the frame over again, twisting the ribbon, and pulling it through the next opening, again to the size you want the loop. Continue doing this around the frame, pushing the 3 loops tight before starting the next row of loops. They don't need to look exactly the same, and should not be "in a row".
The loops will look like the ones above. Pull through from the back of the wreath, so the loops will be on the front.
The back of your wreath will look like this when you are through.
Front of wreath
The flowers are not glued in, just tucked. That way, I can change as needed.
I hope this is easy to understand, so you can make your own wreath. If not, there are many tutorials on You Tube with videos of how to make the wreath. Just go to You Tube and type in "video for making burlap wreath on wire frame". That should bring up many videos.
Hanging on the mirror in the family room.
Here it works well with the Easter mantel, and it can easily be changed by switching the color of flowers, placing the flowers singly around the wreath (as shown below), adding a bow, or lots of other options.
Here is one of my burlap wreaths made with the wide ribbon. You will see how much looser the burlap loops look.
Below is the same burlap wreath, decorated with burlap roses I made.
You can see how versatile these wreaths are.
Which do you like best, the loose weave burlap, or the wired burlap ribbon?
I hope this has inspired you to make a burlap wreath.
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