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Tweaking Vignettes

Today, I am sharing lots of photos.  I've (of course) been moving things about (small things), back problems and bronchitis don't allow for doing a whole lot.  Bronchitis for five weeks takes the get up and go right out of you.  After my 4th injection yesterday, and my 8th different prescription, I hope I'm on the mend!!

Anyway, on the rare occasion when I've had a little energy, I've rearranged a few vignettes around the house.

I love decorating with birds and nests, and found this nest at Queen of Hearts.  I added my blue bird from Michael's to the old sewing drawer, for the coffee table centerpiece in the Family Room.

An urn with faux hydrangeas sits on the hearth.

 I've shown this picture before of the pot of hydrangeas. 
The frame is an old window frame from my grandmother's house.  I had to cut the mat down about an inch on each side for it to fit.

I love that it is in the family room where I can see it.
I stained the frame with stain I already had, so free!

 Picket fence with birdhouses.
My latest painting. 

The little bird house was white and red, but a free sample of Valspar from Lowe's changed that up to match the painting.
If you look closely in the peat pot with flowers, you'll see a bird looking over the houses!!
This frame & mat came from a consignment shop.

 I moved this silver bon bon dish my daughter bought for me to this vignette.

More pink and blue!

Still love my shutters and colorful tablecloth, all a total of 17 dollars at consignment.  Of course the lamp and plates are also consignment finds
 I love this little area in the dining room, the blues and pinks show up again, the ball jars, faux tulips, old silverware, my mother's hankies, and blue and pink runner.

 This vignette consists of the bust I've had for years, and the picture, crystal vase, and roses totaled $1.20 at recent yard sales!!  They sit on a fern stand in the sun room.

 This old linen with crocheted design and edges belonged to my MIL.

 For Mother's Day, my daughter took me to see the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Show house.  It was amazing, and of course we hit Queen of Hearts Interiors on our way home.
That is where I found the sea shell designed tea towel.  It found a home in the sun room too.

I also found this sweet silver plated covered dish.  Love it!!

I like that the size of the bon bon dish and covered dish are comparable.  They work well in vignettes.

Another bird and nest, and a cloche, just for Marty!!

This may look like lots of moving and tweaking, but these rooms are open to each other except for the sunroom, and literally just moving within these areas.

Today, I'm joining in these parties:

Whimsy Wednesday @ Simply Designing with Ashley
Centerpiece Wednesday @ The Style Sister
Share a Cup


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