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Screened Porch Face Lift

Goodness, have we had a busy week!! Our screened porch was in need of a makeover!  It has kinda been a hodge podge of "stuff", things we've had for a long time.  I had been using some "ugly, tacky" Good Will cushions in the hunter green chairs and had the old originals in the loveseat and other chair. Nothing matched.  You can see, it had become quite the mess!!

This is how it looked when we started.  

We started by removing the screen!  We had not cleaned it this year, so it was really dirty.  Pollen, dust, and smoke had gotten the best of it!  There were a few holes in it, so we trashed the entire lot!  

Here it is without the screen.

We don't have steps going off the porch, so to keep from tracking through the house with all the dirty furniture and screen, I handed the chairs down to my husband who was on the step ladder below.

We finally got everything off, except the table, which I knew we would really need.  (plus, it was too heavy to lift and hand over the railing)!

Hubby got the pressure washer going, and handed the wand up to me to pressure wash the area.  After a good wash, we were ready to let it dry overnight.

Wednesday morning, we got ready to water seal.  Hubby placed a large tarp beneath the deck to prevent water sealer from dripping down and staining the concrete below.  I taped off all the metal framing that holds the screen.  After a while we were ready to start water sealing.  I sealed the railing while hubby "cut in" around the edge of the porch.  Then I rolled the sealer on the remainder of the floor.  Hubby climbed the ladder and got the outside of the railing, and the front board.  What a job!!  

We had planned to try to replace the screen ourselves, but decided that we were so tired, and have never done that, so we called the gentleman who enclosed the porch in the first place.  Luckily, he came over today and replaced the screen.  It looks fabulous!

New screen in place!

You know, this facelift called for some "pretty"!!  We made another run to Lowe's where I purchased spray paint called Leafy Rise, a Valspar paint sample (Blue Spruce), and matching cushions for all the seating.  FINALLY!!  

One of my favorite items in this entire makeover is a short ladder. We've had this small ladder for a number of years.  I think the hubby already had it when we married.  It was a little messy looking, so I used part of the Valspar sample to give it a makeover.  (Blue Spruce)

Love this!!

 The perfect place for all my plants!
 and a bird house, a bird,

The spray paint I purchased was for the two hunter green chairs.  I wanted a turquoise color, but was not able to find the color I wanted, so I bought Rustoleum Leafy Rise spray paint and primer in one.  I am well pleased with the color, and think it blends pretty well with the new cushions.

All we have left to do on this makeover is screen underneath the porch.  This will keep bugs, etc., from getting inside.  We have to do that here in the South, especially living in the country like we do.

I am excited to get to start enjoying our "new" space.  

Do you have an outdoor space you love?

I will share at:
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Frugal Friday @ Shabby Nest
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Be Inspired Friday @ Common Ground
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
Frugalicious Friday @ Finding Fabulous 


  1. Love your porch and it looks so clean and fresh. The new cushions look perfect, I really like the pattern and colors. Hugs, Marty

  2. What a beautiful porch you have!!! Wow, that was a lot of work but well worth it. The matching cushions really pulls it all together, and I love the painted chairs, turned out really nice!!!

  3. Your porch makeover looks fantastic! So clean and fresh - really like your paint choices. Now time to sit back, relax, and enjoy! Jane

  4. What a wonderful makeover! And such gorgeous views! I could see spending a lot of time out there.

  5. Oh, don't you just love a nice clean space to decorate. It looks so pretty. We keep talking about screening our deck too. I like the green wicker chairs. And..I love your beautiful landscape.......sigh.....

  6. Wow it looks great and you have such a wonderful view!!!!!!
    The colors you picked look so nice and cheery.

    We are getting our porch rescreened this summer too. It is hard work!

  7. Your screened in porch is wonderful! I love that ladder. Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  8. Oh, this is wonderful, love the cushions and new green on those great wicker pieces!

  9. I've been catching up on your old posts and have to say I love your porch! It is so large! The view off your deck is very pretty too, gorgeous country. I know you must be enjoying it after getting it all cleaned. I hate cleaning ours but it always feels so good afterward. I love the green color you used to paint the wicker. It is beautiful with the new cushions. Your porch looks so very relaxing! Enjoy!!!


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