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Mantel Decor

Sometimes when I change things around, I might try several different looks before deciding on the one that makes the 'cut'.   This was the case recently.  I was trying to decide what I wanted on the mantel after all the red of the past few months.  First I tried this look.

I placed this picture (actually wood) on books to elevate it a little.  I then added the DT birds and the flower pot (consignment buy).  I actually left it this way for a few hours, but it didn't "feel" right. 

I like the items I used, and in looking at these photos, it may be the two green vases (see first photo) that threw it off.

I think I might recreate this for Easter and use other items, instead of the green vases.

What do you think?  Maybe add some bunnies?

 Maybe some bowls and pitchers???

This just might show up again.....soon!

I will joing these fun parties:


  1. Looks great! It is a nice look for Spring...Blessings!

  2. Ahhhh Kathy I FOUND YOU...thanks for visiting Like Gramma's House-and you too have Georgia connections I see..My roots in the deep, rural South Georgia could not be deeper or more real.When you have time to really browse my site you will see first blog you might like:
    Just found you; will follow and will ck in on you to get "aquainted".

    Thanks feels so good to know someone is reading and enjoying my blog :^)


  3. Kathy,

    Looks like you are decorating your mantle too-
    I always "live," with my decorating for awhile also-to see how it "feels!"
    You mantle has come together beautifully!
    Thank you for visiting me today!
    Sweet Blessings,

  4. Beautiful mantle, my friend. Somehow, it evokes spring.. beautiful colors! I'm bored with mine and I need to think about doing something cheery to it. Thank you for your sweet wishes for our 38th.
    Big hugs.

  5. This is so nice. I think it perfect for Easter. I think it's lovely to change mantles but I find with one in every room,I can never make up my mind and keep putting it back the way it was. Christmas being an exception.

    I recently made a wreath that was a bit of a brighter pink than I usually like. I changed things around all over the place. I didn't like any of it,but thought I'd live with it for a week to see how It looked then. A week later Hubby said " I don't like the colour of that,on the bedroom wall" I said "Did you only just notice it" He said" Yes" I said " It's been there a week " I ask you why do we bother LOL :)

  6. Kathy, it's always fun to see thing evolve. It's coming along nicely. Wonder what it would look like to put the vases together on one side for a change and not so even looking? I am an even steven kind of gal, but once in a while I try to mix it up. I think some faux flowers might be nice in them also for Spring. Bunnies or pitcher (or both) lol! might be cute too. I'm a heck of alot of help aren't I? Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  7. Hi Kathy ... decorating for Spring is so much fun. I love decorating with birds all year long, but especially Spring with pretty nests. I need to check $-Tree for birds. You mantel is looking so fresh.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  8. Your mantle is so pretty and "springy" with the birds and nest. Happy March!

  9. HI Kathy! OH, I think your mantel looks wonderful! Yeah, I think we have some good hubbys.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. What a great look! Please share it on a terrific linky – Design Décor Tuesday. See you there! ☺

  11. Your mantle looks lovely Kathy. Great job!!


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