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Revisit the Guest Room

When we recently received our king size bed back from my step son, it allowed me to place our queen size suite in the guest room.  The layout of the room does not allow me to have the furniture arranged exactly like I would prefer, but having matching pieces is rather nice.  I like to know that guests are comfortable.

This is the view coming in the doorway.

This quilt was purchased several years ago at Wal Mart for only 24 dollars.  I love the shabby chic look of it.

The dresser sits on the long wall in the room, but in an alcove which has a french door leading to the screened porch.

The TV is stored in a large armoire.  Note the Mickey Mouse radio. It belonged to my stepson when he was a small boy.  I placed it in here because of the aqua color, since that is the main color in this room.

The chair is a consignment shop find for ten dollars, several years ago.
I'm happy with the way the room turned out.  The closet has plenty of room, and the dresser drawers are mostly clear, so there is enough room for our guests to unpack and relax.

I'll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday.


  1. :-) Pretty room.
    Luv the comforter at the end of the bed.
    Cheers, Gee

  2. Ahh, I love how you decorated this room just for me. I'll be right over!!!


  3. Your guests certainly have luxurious accommodations....beautiful room! Jane

  4. I love that quilt. It does add a sweet shabby feel to the room. What a nice place to be a guest!
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  5. Hi, visiting from Savvy Southern Style. What an absolutely beautiful bed -- those posters are to die for! And I really love the shape, color and size of your thrifty purchased side chair too. It fits the space perfectly. Guess I'm a bit of a glitz/glam girl, I was very attracted to the sheen and soft rich pastel color and pattern (is it a damask pattern?) on your bedspread and shams! I am curious. I see from your photographs that you have (at least) two windows, one each on two walls, plus the door you mentioned on a third wall that opens to the screened porch, but looks like your guest(s) cannot use it because of the position of the long dresser/mirror combo that appears to be blocking it(?), plus the entry door and a closet on the fourth wall. Yep, not much wall space. I'm wondering how you would arrange the furniture if you had your druthers. Would you remove a piece of the bedroom suite to free up some room? As a guest in such a room, I would absolutely be gaga about the idea of having access from my own private space (the guest room) to the screened porch if the French (already got me on "French") door were accessible. Anyway, happy to have visited, I'm adding you to my favorites list so I can visit again without hunting all over for your blog!


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