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Time to Bring in the Plants


The weather channel is predicting very cold weather, maybe snow in the most northern counties of Georgia, due to Hurricane Sandy.  This is being called the storm of the century because it will join with a winter storm.   I brought the plants in from the screened porch today and placed all of them except one plant in the sun room.  The philodendron is so big it won't fit in the sun room, so I have it between the dining room and the front entry.

See how big this bad boy is!  It grew from a bulb I dug from a plant like it at work several years ago.  The leaves on my plant are twice as large as those on the plant at work, and much stronger.  I have really enjoyed this one.

These are not very big, so they're not a problem to place at all.  I put them in the sun room so they will get lots of light.

A friend at work brought me a tiny cutting of this plant too, and it has done extremely well.

I should re-pot these plants.  Maybe I'll do that in a few days.  They were given to me by my previous boss when I retired.

We'll see how this plant does.  

Have you brought your plants inside for the winter?


On the way home yesterday, we stopped at Hobby Lobby for me to pick up some disks to place on the back of plates to hang them from.

There was an antique store nearby, so I ran in for a few minutes.  I bought this plate for $3.00.

It isn't an antique, but I knew it would go pretty well with a plate I already had.  I have been wanting to hang something around the mirror behind hubby's chair, and had decided on plates.

Here is the plate I already had, bought at a consignment shop a long time ago.

Here they are hanging beside the mirror.

I like them with the mirror.

Oops, you can see my reflection in the mirror in this picture.

This grouping hangs on the wall to the right of the door from the breakfast nook, while the mirror and plates hang on the left of the door.

While in the antique store, I picked up this ribbon.  It was only $1.89.  I wish I had bought more.

I added pieces of the ribbon to various items in the living/breakfast area.

(Around the top of the lantern)

(on the plate stacker)

(around the top of the lamp in the sun room)

Here's my little "halloween jack-o-lantern".  That's as spooky as it gets here.  :)

Thanks so much for your visit.  I'd love if you left a comment, so I'll know you visited.  Have a fabulous week!
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  1. Everything is beautiful in your post today! Love your plants and the poor babies need to come inside for the cold!I totally love those pretty plates for 3 BUCKS..what a deal!! They look great on each side of your lovely mirror too. The bows add a little fall touch to your pretty vignettes. Have a happy week sweet lady.

  2. You have some green thumb...your plants are beautiful!!! And love the plates you put up, they are very pretty. And look at you with that pretty ribbon, just the right touch!!! And you know how I am lusting after that aqua lantern, you show it just to make me crazy!!!

    We are getting ready for Frankenstorm around here, secured everything outside and have supplies stocked up. I know we will lose power.....and there is 3 inches of snow in Virginia now!!! stay safe....

  3. You literally brought the outdoors in. I guess that's one way to do it...ha! It's amazing that you found a compliment to the other plate you had. I think they make a great grouping with the mirror and I always love seeing someone get their reflection in there when they take a picture. It makes it more personal. We should all stick ourselves in our blogs on purpose now and again. It's nice to know there really is a person behind the blog. :)

  4. Beautiful plants! I plan on updating a lamp this week, too...the bow on your shade is a gorgeous touch!!! XO, Aimee

  5. Your philodendron is just gorgeous. I had one of those many years ago and they do take up a lot of room, but mine never got that big. So hard to believe you may get snow all the way down in Georgia. Makes me wonder what we'll end up getting up here in Ohio. So far just rain and wind and we still have our electricity.

  6. Hi Kathy! I wish I had your green thumb, and a sun room! :) Both of your plates are beauties - love the colors.

  7. I would love to have a green thumb like yours! I, too, brought the plants in, but I've put them back out now. We did have our first frost, but it shouldn't be cold again this week.
    Blessings from Texas,

  8. Thanks for linking up to It's a Party this week! I especially adore that ribbon and the way you've used it. So pretty. Have a happy weekend!


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