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Easy Repurpose

Re-doing the "gun" cabinet netted me something neat to repurpose.  If you are familiar with gun cabinets, you know that they contain these notched gun supports, one near the top of the cabinet where the barrel rests, and one at the bottom where the butt of the gun sits.

Here are the ones removed from this cabinet.  They weren't glued or nailed in, so they came out very easily.

I knew I could use these for a crafty project I had in mind.  Here is how I repurposed the larger of the two.

First I painted it white with home made chalk paint.  Next I printed off a couple of graphics from the Graphics Fairy of course. Then I pulled my materials together (red paint, brush, stencil, etc.,) and this is what I came up with.

I painted and lightly distressed it, mod podged the labels on, stenciled the letters on,  then sloppily painted the letters with some craft paint so it would look old and worn.  I think I will sand it more, and add some dark wax.  Here are some other shots from it's perch in the laundry room on the cabinet top.

 This graphic shows a washtub with an old wringer attached.  

 The above graphic says "Everybody Loves Goodwill Soap" which I thought was appropriate.  

I really like how the sign turned out.  Y'all know I had to do some climbing, switching, and moving to decorate this cabinet.  Good thing I was still home alone.  (tee-hee)

I'm still thinking about how to paint the other board.  I'll be sure to show you when I decide. 

What do you think, a good use of this board???

Linking to SNS at Funky Junk Interiors
Sunny Simple Sunday at Sunny Simple Life
Creative Blog Hop at Homemaker on a Dime

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  1. Totally terrific!! I love it!! :)

  2. What a clever re-do! Gives me ideas for my own laundry room...

    Thanks for stopping by!


  3. What a great job! I love the vintage labels, too!

  4. Fabulous! What a great way to re-use the boards :o)
    Rose H

  5. Don't you just love it when you can reuse something for a totaly different reason ? Guess that's why they call it repurposing ! Great job !

  6. You crafty thing. How cute is that? Perfect in your laundry room. That is upcycling at its best.

  7. Wow! You did a great job! I love how look sup there! Very clever up-cycling!

  8. That turned out adorable. I love a good repurpose too!
    Every little bit of wood goes to good use! I like that. Pat, via SSS

  9. Sweet use of the board, for sure! Who doesn't love a great sign, especially one created from something you already have. It looks wonderful up there. Be careful climbing alone. I was doing that to put some letters I painted up on top of a cabinet and the chair slipped out from under me. Ended up with a blue baseball sized lump on my elbow and a sore back. Luckily my rear landed on the padded chair. It could have been worse. Be careful up there!

    1. Okay, it was a golfball sized lump. I'm brain dead this morning. Golfball, hurt either way. You get the picture.

  10. Very, very clever! I love signs :)


  11. What a great idea. I love the graphic and it looks so cute in your laundry room. You did yourself proud girl.

  12. I think it turned out great and I love that you repurposed something in such a clever way. ANn

  13. This is such a cute idea! A great redo of the gun rack. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day!

  14. Oh, you're the most creative one! You did a fantastic job of repurposing that board! Love how your sign turned out! Looks so cute! Now I can't wait to see what you do with the other one.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  15. You did an awesome job with that board - looks really good.

    Thanks for visiting my blog! :)



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