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The Silent Actress, the Major and Grandmama Cherry

Today my post is taking a different direction.  I normally show you my latest projects or something I have changed in my home.  But today, I am showing some very old papers I came across some time ago and placed them in an extra scrap book I had, stuck it in the cabinet, and promptly forgot all about it.  

The other night my grandson brought some momentos he kept from his trip to France this month, for the scrap book I have kept for him his entire life.  I opened the cabinet to remove some scrapbooking supplies and again saw the "extra" scrapbook.  I removed it to see what I had put in there, and re-discovered these old papers.  These were tucked away in a metal box of "important" papers that my MIL had.  

They are from the thirties, forties, and fifties.  This is a rather long post, and plenty of pictures, so enjoy.

First up:
Norma Talmadge
Actress during the silent era
Born in 1895

Her photo is on one side, and the back seems to be an advertisement for a metal corrugation company.

This is an old post card.  I have no idea who the folks in the photo are.

My husband's Uncle (TD Joiner) was a Major in the Military.  In fact we have his Army trunk.  (I'll show you some day).
This freight bill shows where his sister, Cherry Joiner Moreland Aldridge (Hubby's grandmother) sent him a 14 pound basket of peaches to his location in Washington DC
 on July 19, 1939.

Next:  Evidently, Miss Cherry had an illness of some sort and received this get well card.  Don't you love these graphics?

The inside shows where several people signed the get well card.

The gift certificate below was in this envelope postmarked 1947.  It is advertising giving Reader's Digest as a gift.  I think they still do something similar.  I suppose good marketing ideas, stand the test of time.  :)

This appears to be a program for a church service.  

I've never heard of any of these hymns, and I served as pianist at church from the time I was 11 years old, into my forties.  

This is VERY interesting.  It is a premium due notice from an insurance company for auto accident insurance.  The annual premium was $3.00!!!  It was due in December 1947.  Unbelievable!!

I guess they didn't place so much emphasis or value on the loss of life back then.  It only paid $1,000.00.  
Thanksgiving card from 1947, from an automobile dealership.  

The envelope showing the pilgrim is so cute.

Let's not forget this:
Embroidery transfer doesn't look like it's been used; it is not dated. This is the envelope.  The clothing on the envelope makes me think it may have been new in the 60's.
Back of envelope (Priced $.49)  I think Harper's may have been a "Dime Store".

It includes several different transfers on one sheet.

Diagram on back of envelope shows how to make certain embroidery knots.

I'm sorry to have been so long, but I wanted you to see these items.  I'm taking great care of them, and might even try my hand at embroidering some of these designs onto pillowcases or something. (Ha!) Just don't hold your breath until I do.  :)

I'm joining Debra's Vintage Inspiration Party at Common Ground
Show and Tell at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest at French Country Cottage


  1. I think it's always fun to go through family documents. It gives us a great sense of just how things were in those days. It's wonderful that you have them to cherish.


  2. Not long at all, quite interesting and enjoyable to walk through history with these unique items!
    Love what you've done with the blog too by the way :)

  3. Oh, my! You made my heart skip a beat! What treasures! I'll bookmark this and come back to it many times, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. What fascinating things! Long post? Not long enough ;o)
    Rose H

  5. I like the picture of Norma and the vintage sewing pattern. Great treasures! Thanks for sharing, Laura

  6. How wonderful to have these things!!! Not a long post at all....and very interesting!!!

  7. What a great post! I could spend all day going through things like that!

  8. I just adore authentic vintage paper ephemera. It's glamour is sincere and cannot be duplicated.


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