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Changing and Rearranging

I've been moving things around again.  I rearranged the family room a couple of weeks ago. Switched some shelves around, then yesterday, I rearranged some tabletops.

Here are some of the changes.

I liked the way the family room was arranged, but it was rather crowded on one end, so I decided it was time for a change.  We don't use these french doors, so furniture placement is not a big deal.

I moved the accent table from it's old spot where the love seat sits to the wall where the recliner was.  The love seat was sitting where the recliner is.  This opened up quite a bit of room and allows traffic to go through the door you see to the breakfast nook and sun room.  That area was blocked by the love seat and recliner.  I'm enjoying the more open arrangement.

You'll also notice that I changed out the table top in the corner. I switched the tall lamp with the burgundy shade with the rooster lamp in the dining room.
I decided to move some white items under the magnolia picture and move the darker colors elsewhere in the house.   "Don't know if I like this".

I decided I did not like the rooster lamp in the family room, so I brought the same lamp I had back and switched the shade for one with a basket weave and also revamped the items on the table.  Below is the 'latest' version of this rearrange.
I like this version much better.  I like the look I achieved by adding the rustic lamp shade to the fancy base.  A brand new look!!
  I plan to add some white hydrangeas to the pitcher.

I switched out a tall shelf in the powder room with this white bookcase I painted with ASCP Olde White.  Everything in the powder room is now white except for some of the accessories. All accessories were thrifty finds.

This mirror was black, but I updated it some time ago with ASCP Olde White also.

Have you changed or rearranged anything recently?  I'd love to see what you've done!!

Please visit the lovely ladies hosting the following parties where I will be linking:

Homemaker on a Dime for Creative Bloggers Party & Hop
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Met Monday
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday
Shannon at Cozy Home Scenes for Cozy Home Party

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Your arrangement is very pretty! I really liked the first arrangement best, but its your home, and the second arrangement is gorgeous too!.

  2. Love the changes! Thanks for visiting us! We are following.

    -Liz & Holley

  3. It is so funny how your gut just knows when you are looking at something in the right arrangement. I am always switching things up in my home. Something can live in a bedroom for years and then suddenly it is perfect in a bathrom! Your new arrangements look lovely...have a wonderful Sunday.

  4. It's great to switch things up! Don't you feel like you stop seeing all the things you really love in your house until you move them around, and then suddenly you notice them again? I like your latest version with the more formal looking lamp, it just works.

    Are you going shabby chic one room at a time? Sometimes I feel like that is where I'm headed - it seems I'm painting everything white!

  5. I love seeing your changes. Your room is just beautiful! I like your vignette on that beautiful cabinet. Very pretty. Your wood floors are gorgeous! Wish I had some.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  6. Looks beautiful ... I love your changes! Fabulous vignette, indeed!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your home and your changes are lovely! Following! Jane

  8. It seemed the change you made seems more formal..but still warm and inviting..but..ok..I must be honest here. That Rooster lamp could sit beside me on the couch if it wanted!! It's fantastic! Will you tell it I said so??? :)

  9. I really like the changes you made in your room. Isn't fun to play around with vignettes?
    Mary Alice

  10. I am in LOVE with your rooster lamp and shade. Your room is lovely.

  11. Hi Kathy...

    Ohhh looks like you are having way too much fun arranging different vignettes, my friend! Hehe! You know...I do the same thing...until I get it the way I want it! I love how you arranged your living does feel "open"..nice and spacious! It's a gorgeous room! Love, love, LOVE that beautiful cabinet. I thought each vignette was beautiful! Oooh...and your pretty white "cut-out" pitcher really had my heart all a flutter...very pretty piece. Thanks so much for sharing more of your beautiful home with us...I sooo enjoyed my visit!

    So happy that you stopped by for a visit yesterday, dear friend! Thanks for the sweet note!

    Warmest wishes,

  12. Kathy, I really like the changes you made in your family room. The table looks perfect the way you have it accessorized. Thank you so much for coming to Your Cozy Home Party. Have a wonderful week!--------- Shannon

  13. Well, I did like the rooster lamp, but then I saw the last arrangement, and I do like it the best. It's always fun to change things around.

  14. Thanks for stopping by Aprons & Ambition! I LOVE your hardwood floors and that rooster lamp. So pretty.



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