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It's Official

As of 5:00 PM, EST, I am officially retired!  Twenty four years with the Georgia Department of Public Health!  Up until I went to work for the State, I had worked part-time jobs so that I could be available for my daughter's needs while she grew up.  I worked as an accountant for my first 25 years in the work force, often working for two or three companies at the time.  I was able to go to my daughter's activities, serve as grade mother during her elementary years, and watch her when she was cheer leader.  I'm thankful for those years.  When I was 36, I decided I needed a job with benefits including retirement, and was hired at the second interview I went to.  I first worked for Mental Health (Substance Abuse).  I was a Secretary I at the beginning, transferred to Public Health in 1994, and ended my career as a Confidential Secretary to the District Health Director of a 13 county region. Confidential Secretary is a title which is the same as an Executive Assistant.  I had decided to have this past Wednesday be my last day, and had requested no retirement reception, but my boss, coworkers and daughter sent me off in grand style.  Just look at all this!  Unbelievable!!
First up is the arrangement my sweet daughter sent me.  Look at the pottery!  It is so beautiful!!  I can see this showing up in lots of vignettes.

Tulips from my boss.

 Pot of succulents also from my boss.

One of my co-workers gave me this signed and numbered Gayle Strider print, dated 1985.  Isn't it gorgeous??  Gotta get it framed.
The same co-worker gave me this hydrangea.

This Celebrating Home reed diffuser is from a very special co-worker. It smells so wonderful, and looks nice in my powder room!

 This lovely scarf is from the accountants!  Love this color!

In addition, the nurses, my daughter and I went to lunch and they gave me a generous gift card. 

Can you believe all this?   

Retirement! Ahhhhhhhhh! 

I'll be linking to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!  

Saturday AM:
Back to add two more photos to Pink Saturday.

The winner of the Easter Bonnet Contest at her daycare
is Rheagan Dalton, my granddaughter.  She and her Mom (my daughter) made her bonnet from newspaper, ribbon (which they painted, it was all white), and live flowers.



  1. Oh congratulations!!! YOu will have so much fun being able to do whatever you want. Enjoy. Beautiful gifts. Hugs, Marty

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! All your gifts are lovely, enjoy this new chapter of life :)

  3. That is wonderful. Sit back and enjoy it. I worked 40 years, and almost went crazy the first year. Now, I will never work again. They treated you very well on the last day.

  4. That is wonderful. Sit back and enjoy it. I worked for 40 years and almost went crazy the first year. Now, I will never work again. Of course, no one would want me at my age. Even if I were younger, I would have to think a long time before getting back into the working force. They treated you very nicely on your last day.

  5. Oh my goodness!

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!

    What a hurdle, what a feat!

    My best wishes for a happy, healthy and FUN retirement! You have earned it!

  6. Congratulations! What a terrific send off for you! Terrific gifts, such thoughtful people - but you are a special person!! Happy retirement!! :)

  7. Congratulations, I am so looking to that part of my life also when time becomes my own, unfortunately its still a way off. Enjoy your new found freedom and just imagine all the wonderful things you get to do.
    HPS too

  8. Congratulations!!!! Now, it's time to just relax and enjoy and do all those projects that you've been wanting to get to.

    Love all your presents and flowers. Your co workers are going to miss you.


  9. Congratulations on your retirement, and what a wonderful send-off your family and co-workers gave you! The arrangement from your daughter is wonderful, and I love the tulip bouquet with the gingham bow. Beautiful and so springy!

    I imagine you have lots to look forward to in this next phase of your life. I'm sure you'll enjoy every moment. Visiting from Pink Saturday, and I hope you have a great weekend.


  10. At last!!! How wonderful for you!!! What a great send off they gave you, lovely gifts and flowers for sure!!! You were a treasured co-worker, and a treasured that pottery!!!

    That chapter ended and now a new one has opened....good for you!!! Enjoy yourself.....hugs...cleo

  11. Many congratulations on your retirement Kathy! You've certainly had wonderful gifts, obviously a lovely person to work with :o) Take a deep breath and enjoy every moment.
    I've been retired 9 years now, and still marvel how on earth I ran a home and garden whilst working. It's rare I have a quiet, relaxing day now.
    Rose H

  12. Hi, I'm back. :) I just wanted to thank you for being a follower on my blog, and I so appreciate your sweet comments! I'm now following you on Google Friends Connect and on Linky Followers. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  13. Absolutely fabulous and gorgeous! Congratulation on your retirement.

    Visiting a little late for Pink Saturday. My entry is a product of creativity. Have a great weekend!

  14. Congratulations! You will have a fabulous retirement.


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