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The Old Well Bucket

My siblings and I grew up poor.  We had enough to eat, a decent home, but no money to spend.  We had a large vegetable garden and learned to help Mama prepare and freeze the veggies to eat in the Winter months.  Wonderful food.  Little meat, but we didn't really miss it. 

We lived in a rural area. During the Winter months if the water pipes froze we just had to wait until they thawed to have running water.  Thankfully, we could still get water by drawing it from the well.   The well was in an outside building that we called the well-house,  that also housed the wringer type washer, and the wash tubs.
While poking around in the basement the other day, I found our old well bucket.  This bucket was tied to a rope, lowered into the well, then pulled up once it filled with water.  There was a round wooden windlass with an iron handle that was used to pull the bucket up.   Once the water was brought out of the well,  it was poured into another pail to carry it into the house.  A wooden cover was slid back across the well structure, and the bucket would sit on the cover until we needed water again.

I decided I should bring that water bucket upstairs so I could enjoy it.  
I filled it with faux geraniums for the table on the screened porch.  Now I can enjoy seeing it.

You can see the stains on the bucket......the red clay of Georgia.
This reminds me to be thankful for all the conveniences we enjoy today.

Did any of  you ever "draw" water?

I'm joining in the party at house in the roses, 
and Donna for  Down Memory Lane  


  1. What a lovely memory. You should also go join Donna @ today for her memory theme link. She only does this once a month.

    I love the bucket & the faux geraniums, very lovely table decor ... & bring back daily moments to treasure.

    Thank you for sharing, so enjoy.
    TTFN ~

  2. Your well bucket looks wonderful with your faux geraniums in it. Thanks for sharing a wonderful memory!

  3. Don't you just love that you found a purpose for it. I just love that! :)


  4. I love the bucket and the story, great memories!!

  5. I did "draw" water once. My husbands family home was in the hills of Kentucky. His uncle kept the well, and we went to visit I just had to draw was cold and delicious!
    I also have pumped water....up north Michigan at the cottage...that my friend is work!!

  6. What a great 'find' in the basement Kathy, and I love how you've re-used it.
    The romance that surrounds drawing water from a well I'm sure isn't true, it's hard, heavy work especially if you depend upon it. It is however lovely that you have such golden memories of your bucket, and so nice to enjoy it!
    Have a great week,
    Rose H

  7. Hi Kathy:
    I love your well bucket and that you now have it front and center in your home. (I'm also a HUGE fan of geraniums - faux or real!)

    We had to pump for water when I was a kid, but never put a bucket down a well. It's just as well, because I'm sure one of my siblings would have got in trouble with that!

    Thanks for joining me for Memory Lane Monday and sharing one of your own sweet memories. It's always so much fun to see what other people remember from their past. ;-)


  8. Hi Kathy Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share this morning. I can just see you dropping that bucket and then pulling it back up again. What memories. They were simplest times, not like today. We didn't have much either, but we never knew we were poor. Always had food on the table. Loved looking back with you.

    Though I have never drew water from a well, I have many memories of pumping, and that is hard work. Pump, pump, pump and let the bucket fill a little. Then pump some more. I can still hear the giggling that went on between us kids. When we were little everything was funny.

    I love it that you still have your water well bucket and it looks so wonderful out front on your table. The faux flowers look beautiful and sure do brighten up your table. Now add your little American flag, and you are all set for the 4th of July.

    Thank you for taking me along today. I so enjoyed my visit, and will be back. For some reason the system won't let me into your Followers to sign up, so I will try again later.
    Have a glorious Monday sweetie. Many country hugs, Sherry


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