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Mantel Mania

I have been unable to get my mantel decor like I want it.  I've changed it almost daily for the last week.

A while back it looked like this.

I like the height of the vases on the ends, but have never been crazy about the color.  They were a dark brown with a rough texture.

Today, I decided to "upgrade" them to a summery color.  I stopped at Lowe's on my way home from work and found a lovely shade in Valspar glossy spray paint called Mediterranean.  I think I like this color, even though I don't have anything else this color in the room, and if I decide I don't like it, it is easily remedied.  I might also remove the screen.  Just thinking...... we'll see how this changes and we all know it will. 

Well, the blue vases lasted overnight.  Got up this morning and said Nope, not gonna work. So I whipped out a can of green paint and changed those babies to green.  Moved the arrangement to another spot and brought in the green basket with flowers.  Maybe...... maybe, I will let this sit here for a while.  I do like it better.  

 Here is the latest:
So much lighter and brighter and it allows me to keep the firescreen out a while longer.  Love me some spray paint!!!!!

Closeup of the basket.  Found at consignment shop a while back.

Waiting for the paint to dry on the vases.  :)

Now changing out the mantel caused the customary chain reaction so the Bombay table and the dining room table got changed again.

I like this vignette on the Bombay table.

The cherub urn got moved to the dining room table.
 The sideboard in the dining room.
This tray holds my collection of painted dishes.

I am linking to the following parties:


  1. Isn't paint wonderful! I like the green with your screen and plant basket.
    It looks so pretty!

  2. Your home is fabulous and I always enjoy all of your vignettes and displays. Beautifully done. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  3. This looks fantastic! I know what you mean! I just redid our mantle and that caused a chain reaction to tabletops etc. There's a mantle party at The Lettered Cottage - you should check it out,

  4. Oh, this is so pretty! I love your mantle.
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me and I hope you've had a wonderful Memorial Day.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)


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