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To buy or not to buy :)

I did it again!!!  I went to Sweet Tea Consignment Shop on my lunch hour.  Wow!! What a treat!  I could not walk out without these items.  I tried, I really did, but then I remembered hubby is away and I won't have to sneak in my goodies......hee hee!  I really don't sneak things in, but sometimes I feel just a wee bit guilty for buying things that I really don't NEED, or do I???  To buy or not to buy, that is the question.  :)

Look at the goodies I found.

Total price:  $13.15

 I thought it was so good to find both these pictures in one frame.  I love them both and have admired the large one Marty has of the man.  $6.95
 This wooden autumn hanging for .....get this.....$1.39
This kettle was only $5.95.

I'm so excited with my new pretties, but there were four more items that I really think needed a new home, so I may have to visit again tomorrow.  She had two lovely white doves for $3.95, a gorgeous piece of blue and green pottery for I think $ 4.95 and a turquoise vase for $3.95.  I can hear them all calling me back.  Listen, I'm sure you can hear them too!  I'm going to quit thinking about them, really I am!  I will not go back tomorrow.....I will not go back tomorrow.........maybe I won't go back tomorrow..... I might go back tomorrow....... hmmmmm.     just sayin'

Joining Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays at Coastal Charm.  Come by and see everyone's goodies!  Thanks Linda!


  1. Gerat buys, the kettle is fabulous :o)
    Oh, I hope those lovely items haven't been snapped up in the meantime - fingers crossed for you. Have a great week!

  2. Great finds my friend! I love the plate, the kettle is so cute. You crack me up! I too sometimes walk in the house without showing my hubby what I bought, he takes a while before he notices it, unless it's something I must put it to show in the dining or living room! Us, women! I always get away with what I want! So go girl! Buy...LOL


  3. As usual, you are a fabulous shopper. Our thrift stores are slim pickins. How's the weather there? It is slowly arriving here. Have a great weekend. Ginger


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