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Bringing fall into the sun room

It's a rainy night in Georgia.  :)

This afternoon I had to go to DG to get some batteries and while I was in there, I naturally looked through their "fall decor items".  They had some really cute pumpkins, banners, etc.  So I picked up a few things for the sunroom.

You may remember that I found a full set of dishes last week at a consignment shop for $12.95.  I decided to set the table in the sunroom with it and then added some fall items also.

I hope everyone has a great week!! 

This is how the sunroom table looked before fall decor was added.  Fine, but not seasonal.

I got most of these items at Dollar General for around $2 each.

I love the texture of the pumpkins made from twigs. 

 This shot shows some of the dishware and the S/P shakers with the cup and saucer added to the setting.

 I love the fruit motif on the dishwear.  The colors blend well with the fall decor.
 The little wire pumpkins in the above shot are nameplace card holders from Michaels.  They were 2/$3.00.  They are so cute!
 A close up of the colors of leaves on the pumpkins.  Acorns too!
I love the "wooden word" items spelling out Harvest and Autumn.  They are so cute.

The fabric pumpkins are from Michaels I bought the last 2 they had on Friday.  This little lamp is an old one I got with S&H Green Stamps in the early 80's.  I remember being so happy to get it.  That was back when 'extra' money was hard to find and I saved stamps to get all kinds of things.  Do you remember those stamps and gift stores?  This lamp shade was found in an antique shop several years ago.  It's not antique, but it has all the fall colors for this time of year.  The pottery on the bottom shelf of the wicker table is Roseville.

This little cabinet is one of my favorite things.  It belonged to my MIL.  I recently re-painted it. and brought it into the sunroom.  I absolutely love it!!


  1. Your fall decorations look wonderful. Love the new dishes and your fall centerpiece is just fabulous. Beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  2. Love all your fall stuff. I remember being really young and S and H greenstamps were a big deal but I don't know whatever happened to the stamps. Obviously I did something wrong because I never got a thing, lol. Your lamp is adorable and I definitely would have paid more attention if I'd realized I'd get good stuff like that :) I love that white cabinet.

  3. Oh I love that cabinet too! MY mom had one in our basement when I was growing up, and I always wanted to "fix" it up. Then my cousin made one for my grandmother, and she gave me hers. I have since painted it black, but I love it just as much. Love all your fall touches! Those dishes are great!

  4. Hi Kathy, love your sweet table and the dishes are wonderful. I adore the plaid lampshade. I am plaid happy. :-)

    It all looks so festive.


  5. So sorry you are having problems. Just wanted to let you know that I can't delete you from the link. If you go to my blog you will find your icon on my post where you linked up and there will be a red x beside your icon. You click on that and it will delete your link. You are the only one who can delete it. Hope this helps. Hugs, Marty

  6. Thank you for inviting me to visit your blog! I have enjoyed viewing your most recent posts and seeing all your beautiful and creative decor! I love the idea of adding some fall decorations to the workplace. We decorate for Christmas, but that's been about it! I also love the way you arranged the three-tiered plate stand in your most recent post. I have a similar one, so plan to copy you!


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